Wednesday, February 1, 2012



This word bugs the hell out of me. Not in the way that words ending in "sks" bug me, saying masks out loud bothers me to no end. The problem with the word irony, and I mean situational irony (situational is apparently not a word according to my spell check) is that it can be, can being the key word, very subjective and often depends on how much either party understands about the situation occurring. Which almost creates a sort of dramatic irony if one person uses the word irony while the other person knows that it's just a coincidence. Almost. Irony is a bitch. I try to never use the word myself unless I am absolutely sure that what just happened was in fact ironic which you will often find it wasn't. Also, don't ever say ironical. I understand that yes, technically it is a word. But "ironic" is an adjective. Saying "ironical" creates an adjectival form of a word that was already an adjective. It doesn't make any sense. It's almost like irregardless, which apparently is a word according to my spell check, which everyone knows is a double negative. So I guess ironical is a double adjective.

And since I'm talking about irony (And since we're talking about grammar and word usage lately I also have to mention that starting a sentence with a conjunction is actually not breaking any grammatical rules despite what a lot of people will tell you) fuck Alanis Morisette. I don't know if I spelled her name right and I don't care, and also fuck my eleventh grade English teacher for the same following reason. That song "Ironic" by Alanis, actually does not contain one ironic statement in it (except maybe the one about the guy on the plane) but since it's actually a song of coincidences, the whole song itself is ironic. What is also quite ironic is that while we were learning about irony in the aforementioned English class, my teacher played this song several times so we could listen to all these examples of irony which were in fact coincidental. Just like 90% of cases of people using irony.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure you don't want to be a teacher? (ref post above)
